Zac Efron drops a CONDOM on the red carpet!

Hi Huneybees,

I normally don't write about celebrity gossips but as I was surfing Youtube for Oscars and upcoming movies (like Dr. Seuss' The Lorax), I stumbled upon this video about Zac Efron dropping a condom on the red carpet. WHAT?!

Ok!  Zac is a heartthrob especially when he's sporting this James-Dean style and that pair of mesmerizing eyes, but come on, a little professionalism please? Walking on red carpet = work and you bring a condom along?! At least have the decency of passing it to your manager?!

What kind of message are you passing on to the kids?! Safe sex?! It's good that he is protected but I wouldn't want my kids in future to be so "ever ready". Isn't girls dancing and singing on stage wearing skimpy clothes ugly enough? Now, they need to even have condom on red carpet moments?! I bet my granny would jump from her grave if she had seen this!
